Saturday, August 7, 2010

Letter from Metamorphic

Just thought I would forward this letter onto the blog for all those that haven't got the email, or for those that read the blog

Each well provides for an average of 25 families and each family on average has between 7-10 members meaning that each well will provide safe clean water for between 175-250 individuals for life/20 years. As you are aware 80% of preventable diseases in developing countries result from no, or poor access to clean water and a lack of hygiene and sanitation. By providing these communities with access to clean water in effect 80% of the disease that they were previously likely to experience in their lifetime has been eliminated, resulting in better health, better job productivity, increased school attendance and better lifestyle and prospects in general.

Thanks again for the generous contributions the Co-op is making towards giving people better opportunities in life in developing nations.
grace, honor


senior project officer



  1. Hey,
    Further to this, I just got an email from metamrophic- 2 out of 3 wells we have paid for have been finished. The first well provided for 26 families, and the second for 27 families. in total, the two wells gave just under 500 people fresh drinking water, and there's another well in the pipeline. I now have certificates with a photo of both these wells you can view at my place when you come for the co-op... this is fantastic!!!

  2. Hi all,

    Tim Humble from Metamorphic here. I just wanted to congratulate you all on your sixth well and say a big thank you for the amazing job you've done in raising funds for these wells. We think you guys are brilliant and love what you're doing!

    We've just given you a shout out on our facebook page and added your FB page to our favs too :-)

    Grace, Honor,

